This is Herb's last stand, unfortunately he doesn't know.

Time to cave-hop and dodge the tiny meteors that preclude the inevitable doom!

Made this for the Game Jam in 2024. I'm now adding additional levels and game mechanics to fill out the game!

It's free to play but any support is appreciated to develop it further.


Use arrow keys or "A" and "D" to move and spacebar to jump. Down arrow while in mid-air to slam and break certain blocks.

Credit to the below for assets that I've used, check them out:

Character from

 Backgrounds and additional sprites from

Music and some SFX from game jam starter kit

Additional sprites

Tilesets  from

 GUI elements from

 SFX created with bfxr

Updated 15 days ago
Published 25 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Dinosaurs

Development log


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I absolutely loved it! The music kept me vibing all the time! And also, all the assets used match really nice! The game was really fun, and loved the ending screen too! It was funny! 10/10 ðŸ’–

A detail it's really fun for me, it's the energy bar, which made me think really better how I should jump and avoid the meteors! 

Really good job! 


Thanks for playing and providing feedback, glad you enjoyed it!